dinsdag 13 april 2010

To Tag or not to Tag

Bonjour mes amis,
I'm really sorry for not posting the last two days. Sunday I was sort of "computer-banned" and yesterday I had a French repetition coming up so I was simply wáy to busy to post anything. But I'm back.

I was tagged, lately. By Jessica. Now I have to write down Ten things that I love and tag 3 other people. I will, of course. So here's my list:

Dix pièces que j'aime

1. My boyfriend. He's sweet, cute, lovely and I just love him very much.

(Nope, no picture. I'm not sure if he's going to like that ^^)

2. Maison Scotch. Great brand. I'll blog you about that brand later this week.

3. Fine music. I'm an allround fan. I like almost everything :)

4. Shoes, clothes, FASHION.
5. Drawing (drawing fashion, too) NB: I've got this book.
6. Horseriding, simply because it's my favourite sport.

7. Hats. I'm in love with hats. I've got loads of 'em. Unfortunately, I can't wear them to school. (I've got one of Esprit that looks like this one.)
8. Summer fields of poppies or sunflowers, I want HOLIDAY.

9. Chocolate, because it's delicious
10. Friendship, because it's the most important thing on earth.

(No picture of my friends, haha. :) We're too crazy for that.)

So...now I have to tag three other people.
I'll tag AnouckMirthe (on Twitter) and Janniek.

No outfit today, my mum's spying on me and she doesn't want me to make any pictures. Sneaky. I'll certainly make one tomorrow, I promise.

For now, I wish you all a good evening.


1 opmerking:

  1. ah wat lief dat je mij hebt getagged (?) ! :D
    Hihi, ik ga er nu mee bezig.

