zondag 25 april 2010

One Birthday done, next one coming up!

Bonjour mes amis,
As you may have noticed, yesterday was lovely. My whole birthday it was extremely warm and I had so much fun with the people who were around. It was a great party, and it's not over yet. (!)
Since my parents are divorced, I have two birthdays every year. This year my real birthday was at my father's place (yesterday ^^) and next thursday it's my mother's turn. Which means: more people, more presents, more fun. It's the only pro in having divorced parents, I guess.

Ma tenue hier

Ma tenue aujourd'hui

It's not as warm as I hoped it would have been today, but it doesn't really matter, since yesterday was my birthday and yesterday was lovely.

For now, I wish you all a  nice last day of the weekend and a wonderful week!


vrijdag 23 april 2010

One lovely weekend for the ladies...

Bonjour mes amis,
It's such a lovely weather! God, I can't talk to anyone without complimenting the weather gods for making this happen. I mean, it's lovely. It's so warm and sunny and this weekend it's even going to be warmer. You must agree with me: that's really really great. I'll give you a short weatherforecast so you know what you can expect.

Today: 15 degrees, sunny

Saturday: 19 degrees, sunny but with some clouds

Sunday: 23 degrees, extremely sunny

Monday: 18 degrees, cloudy, perhaps even with rain.

So as you can see, we're heading towards a GREAT weekend. And this time, no bloody sunday for me. Just relaxing and enjoying my good times. And perhaps my birthday presents.

Mon Anniversaire
Oui oui, it's true: this Saturday it's my birthday! I'm extremely exited, even though it's not even going to be the best day. My parents are divorced, so it's going to be just me, my dad, my sister, my aunt + her boyfriend and my boyfriend. Fun, anyways. No, you'll have to see next week's Thursday. Over 15 people are coming to my party at my mothers', including (once again) my boyfriend. Oh, it's so amazing. I'm so happy. Especially with this lovely, wonderful weather coming up.

Ma liste cadeaux

1. Hat by H&M

2. Books

3. Calvin Klein Underwear

4. Clothes by Maison Scotch

5. Bathrobe + slippers by Hunkemöller (Lila)

6. And a hell of a lot more.

All the things I've listed above are those I've already got: my mum and her boyfriend decided to throw a little party for me this morning. My breakfast contained a croissant with yellow cream and strawberries. I've never eaten something that's as delicious as that. I think I could eat it all day long.

In fact, I'm wearing the H&M hat right now.

Petite Surprise
About the Maison Scotch clothes ... I've got them. But not really. I bought them yesterday with my grandma in town. I love my grandma. <3 (Even without the shopping, haha). I bought seven items of clothing, but my grandma told me I could only have one piece in advance, to wear this weekend to my real birthday. I'm going to wear it tomorrow and I know exactly how to combine it: with my other Maison Scotch jacket. God, I love that brand.

As I'm being overexited about telling you about Maison Scotch, I'll show you the clothes I've got. (And of course I'll mark the one I'm going to wear tomorrow.)

This really cute lightblue shirt

A sweat, for the chillier days.

A nice black t-shirt

I'm not really sure if it's this one, but I know for sure it was a white shirt with a cool print. It also had a print on the back.

This really cool short

And this lovely dress, which I'm going to wear tomorrow.

I also got a top, but I can't find it online. I'll make a picture of it once.

You might wonder why I'm writing a blog just by now... Well, I've been busy. Wednesday me and my boyfriend had a relationship of half a year. We spent the whole afternoon together, just lovely. Yesterday I was shopping and I've watched a film. Tuesday I was just busy, and Monday I had to go horseriding. All really fun but it doesn't leave you much time for a blog.

I hope you've enjoyed this little (ah well, little) update of mine. Don't expect a blog tomorrow, since it's my birthday. Maybe I'll write about the hangover on sunday.

For now, I wish you all a wonderful weekend.


zondag 18 april 2010

Sunday, bloody Sunday

Bonjour mes amis,
I hate Sunday. Not especially thís Sunday, but every Sunday in general. For example:

1. You need to make your homework today
2. You need to go to school
3. The weekend is almost over
4. You need to go early to bed this evening because you need to get up early tomorrow
5. You need to get up early tomorrow

You see? Sunday is a horrible day. Even when the weather is lovely, like today. And yes, I am inside because I'm behind my computer. Is that pathetic? Sure. But you guys have to read something, right?

Ma tenue aujourd'hui

Yeah, I know. It's short + boring. But I'm not going anywhere today. Plus, my legs can bronze faster this way. :D

For now, I wish eveyone a lovely bloody Sunday!


woensdag 14 april 2010

Say Hello to your Daily Horoscope!

Bonjour mes amis,
What's your zodiac sign? Capricorn? Gemini? Aries? Piesces? Vigro, perhaps? I'm sure you know, even if you pretend you "don't care." As for me, I don't really base my day on horoscopes I read online, but I must admit that I'm addicted to reading 'em. Everyday I've got a list of horoscopes (4 different sites) which tell me everything about my day. And some of them even about my week, month, lovelife or year. It's higly interesting. :D

I'm a Taurus, and my birthday's next week's saturday. (Just to mention; I love sweets and accesoiries. Nuff'said? ^^) Anyway, my horoscopes for today:

Elle magazine
Met een beetje geluk gaan vandaag al je wensen in vervulling, Stier. De nieuwe maan staat in de dromensector van je sterrenbeeld, waardoor een heerlijke nieuwigheid zich aandient: of je er nu klaar voor bent of niet. De status quo zal dus niet lang standhouden. Houd vooral nachtelijke boodschappen en signalen in de gaten, raden de sterren je aan.

Je bent een goede vriend(in) de komende tijd. Je voelt je erg betrokken bij het lief en leed van je vrienden en familie en biedt graag een luisterend oor en een schouder om op uit te huilen. Helemaal niets mis mee, maar vergeet je jezelf niet? Er onstaan vervelende situaties. Daarbij blijkt iemand totaal niet betrouwbaar. Volg zoveel mogelijk je intuïtie. Dat voorkomt een hoop leed. Op je werk zit je op een dood spoor. Het is tijd om nieuwe wegen in te slaan.

It's all up to you know -- in fact, get used to being the focal point for any and all activities. If you make the first move towards a compromise, you"ll end up in a better position when it's all over.

De nieuwe maan geeft het eind aan van een belangrijke cyclus. Een goed moment om zaken af te ronden voor uw verjaardagsperiode begint. Dring tot de kern van de kwesties door en let ook op de details. Leg u erbij neer dat sommige dingen niet opgelost kunnen worden.

Well... it's quite something, right? As you see, they don't all say the same. But it's fun to read it. I suggest you might even do it sometimes, when you need a little bit of laughter or a break.

Ma tenue aujourd'hui

For now, I wish everybody a wonderful day.


dinsdag 13 april 2010

To Tag or not to Tag

Bonjour mes amis,
I'm really sorry for not posting the last two days. Sunday I was sort of "computer-banned" and yesterday I had a French repetition coming up so I was simply wáy to busy to post anything. But I'm back.

I was tagged, lately. By Jessica. Now I have to write down Ten things that I love and tag 3 other people. I will, of course. So here's my list:

Dix pièces que j'aime

1. My boyfriend. He's sweet, cute, lovely and I just love him very much.

(Nope, no picture. I'm not sure if he's going to like that ^^)

2. Maison Scotch. Great brand. I'll blog you about that brand later this week.

3. Fine music. I'm an allround fan. I like almost everything :)

4. Shoes, clothes, FASHION.
5. Drawing (drawing fashion, too) NB: I've got this book.
6. Horseriding, simply because it's my favourite sport.

7. Hats. I'm in love with hats. I've got loads of 'em. Unfortunately, I can't wear them to school. (I've got one of Esprit that looks like this one.)
8. Summer fields of poppies or sunflowers, I want HOLIDAY.

9. Chocolate, because it's delicious
10. Friendship, because it's the most important thing on earth.

(No picture of my friends, haha. :) We're too crazy for that.)

So...now I have to tag three other people.
I'll tag AnouckMirthe (on Twitter) and Janniek.

No outfit today, my mum's spying on me and she doesn't want me to make any pictures. Sneaky. I'll certainly make one tomorrow, I promise.

For now, I wish you all a good evening.


zaterdag 10 april 2010

Braids, Birthday-shopping & Boyfriends

Bonjour mes amis,
This morning I had to wake up at 9.00. Which is a terrible time to wake up in a weekend. Luckily it was for a good job, because my mum and I went Birthday-shopping. I've got a really, really, really big wish list for my birthday (just 2 weeks left! Can't wait.) and one of the items on that list is a desk.
Unfortunately I still haven't found what I'm looking for, despite our big shopping spree this morning.

I'm looking for something like this:

At least, the size of it. The color must be a little darker. And I don't like the shape of the handles. As you see, I'm quite critical. But I think I have te right to be. ^^

As for the Braids, I must dissapoint you. Yesterday I had absolutely no time whatsoever to make a braid, so I'm going to ask my little sister to help me. When I got a satisfactory result, I'll certainly show you.

Ma tenue aujourd'hui

As for the last item in the title of this blog: my
Boyfriend's arriving really soon. I expect him between now and half an hour. Which is exactly why I'm going to say goodbye to you... I need to prepare myself. :)

For now, I wish everyone a wonderful day!


vrijdag 9 april 2010

The Almost Weekend Blues

Bonjour mes amis,
Do you recognize that feeling when you know that it's almost weekend, just one hour of school left ...
And the hour doesn't seem to pass at all. You're looking on your watch almost every minute, wondering why it's only a minute further after you've checked it last time. Well, that's what I call an 'Almost Weekend Blues.' I suffer from it every week.
So thank god, it's finally weekend and we have time to do the things we like (except for making a physics report about parachutes, there's no way that I'm ever going to like that.)

Ma tenue aujourd'hui

I wanted to make a braid in my hair (which looks terrible on these pictures, but that's only because I just came home. So my hair's worse than ever.) but i failed.
So I'll keep trying, and when it has worked out I'll make a picture of it. I do have some examples of what I really like:

My hair's not long enough for this size, but I can always try!

So, a braid on the side of my head...

For now, I wish you all a very good weekend.


donderdag 8 april 2010

It turned out to be wonderful

Bonsoir mes amis,
Today started with rain, and I was wearing a skirt and panty. So I was kindoff soaked when I arrived at school...
Luckily, it turned out to be a wonderful day after all. This afternoon I even cycled home without my jacket on, really nice.

Ma tenue Aujourd'hui

woensdag 7 april 2010

First Message Ever Posted Here

Bonsoir mes amis,

I actually need to study for my chemic's test, but instead I am making a starting post for this blog.
Anyway, welcome.

I'll update my outfits daily, perhaps post some things that are on my mind and eventually I might even post a poem. You never know.

Ma tenue Aujourd'hui

C'est moi!
Yesterday, I made some pictures of myself. I like them. Quite.

For now, Good evening.